• 系所簡介

This department was one of the original departments when Tunghai was founded in 1955. More than 2000 students have graduated in the past 50 years. Over one-half have gone on to obtain Master’s degrees, and one-third have obtained doctorates. Their accomplishments have been affirmed by the chemistry world locally and overseas. To meet the requirements of the present, and provide personnel for the nation’s chemical, industrial, and commercial development, and to raise the standard of research in the department, the department was authorized by the MOE to establish MS and Ph.D. programs in 1983 and 2002, respectively. In the year of 2005, the undergraduate program was further divided into two separate groups. One is major in chemistry; the other is major in chemical biology.

化學系為本校民國44年創校時成立的7個學系之一,初創時是以大學部教育為主,採小班制教育學生,強調理論與實驗並重,以建立良好的學識基礎,始能進入高深學理之研究,同時秉承創校「求真、篤信、力行」之精神,重視學生品行之培養。自民國61起大學部逐年增加,直至目前每班50至60人,然教學要求仍維持原有品質,民國72年成立應用化學研究所,本系進入教學研究並重階段,民國90 年成立博士班,使本系研究不論質與量更加提昇,也確立本系研究以生物系統為主流,為配合研究所發展及人力需求,自民國94年起大學部增設化學生物組。本系發展大學部仍以教學為主,強調基礎理論訓練,研究所則以研究為主,力求高品質的研究。
